How to Prepare for Blacknyellow's Online Competitions: Tips and Tricks from Homeroom Advisors

Compete+'s online competitions provide a unique opportunity for kids to showcase their talents and skills in various co-curricular activities. From debating to coding, these competitions test the participants' knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. However, preparing for these competitions can be a daunting task, especially for kids who are new to the platform or the competition format. To help students prepare for these competitions, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks from Compete+'s homeroom advisors.

1. Choose Your Competition Wisely

The first step in preparing for a competition is to choose the right one. Compete+ offers a range of competitions, including public speaking, creative writing, math, and coding. Students should choose a competition that aligns with their interests and skills. They should also consider their level of expertise and the level of competition they are comfortable with.

2. Understand the Competition Format

Before starting the preparation, students should thoroughly understand the competition format. They should know the rules, guidelines, and requirements of the competition. They should also understand the judging criteria and the scoring system. Understanding the competition format will help students to prepare better and avoid any surprises on the day of the competition.

3. Plan Your Preparation

Once students have chosen the competition and understood the format, they should start planning their preparation. They should create a schedule that includes time for practice, research, and revision. They should also allocate enough time for each component of the competition, such as writing, speaking, or coding. Planning the preparation will help students to stay organized and focused.

4. Gather Resources

To prepare for the competition, students should gather all the necessary resources, such as study materials, books, online resources, and practice tests. They should also reach out to their homeroom advisor for guidance and support. Homeroom advisors can provide valuable feedback on the students' progress and suggest additional resources or strategies to improve their performance.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to success in any competition is practice. Students should practice regularly and consistently. They should also try to simulate the competition environment as closely as possible. For example, if they are participating in a public speaking competition, they should practice in front of an audience. Practicing will help students to build confidence, improve their skills, and identify their weaknesses.

6. Get Feedback

Getting feedback is an essential part of the preparation process. Students should seek feedback from their homeroom advisor, peers, or family members. Feedback can help students to identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve their performance. Students should also be open to constructive criticism and use it to improve their skills.

7. Focus on the Basics

In any competition, the basics matter. Students should focus on mastering the basics of their chosen competition, whether it is grammar and punctuation in creative writing, or syntax and logic in coding. By mastering the basics, students can build a strong foundation for their skills and improve their performance in the competition.

8. Learn from Others

Learning from others is a valuable way to improve your skills. Students should study the performances of previous winners or top performers in their competition. They should also attend workshops or webinars offered by Compete+ to learn from experts in their field. By learning from others, students can gain new insights and strategies to improve their performance.

9. Take Care of Yourself

Preparing for a competition can be stressful, so it is essential to take care of yourself. Students should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. They should also take breaks and do activities they enjoy to reduce stress and improve their well-being. Taking care of yourself will help you to stay focused and perform your best on the day of the competition.

10. Stay Positive

Finally, it is essential to stay positive and maintain a growth mindset. Students should remember that competitions are an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve their skills. They should focus on their progress and not compare themselves to others. By maintaining a positive attitude and a growth mindset, students can approach the competition with confidence and perform their best.


Preparing for Compete+'s online competitions requires dedication, hard work, and a strategic approach. By following these tips and tricks from Compete+'s homeroom advisors, students can improve their skills and increase their chances of success. Choosing the right competition, understanding the format, planning your preparation, practicing regularly, seeking feedback, focusing on the basics, learning from others, taking care of yourself, and staying positive are key steps in preparing for Compete+'s online competitions. With these strategies in mind, students can participate in these competitions with confidence and showcase their talents and skills to the world.

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