Dealing with Extraordinary Kids: Tips for Parents

a. Definition of extraordinary kids
b. Challenges faced by parents of extraordinary kids

Understanding Extraordinary Kids
a. Giftedness and talents
b. Neurodiversity
c. High sensitivity

Dealing with Extraordinary Kids

a. Nurturing their strengths
b. Addressing their challenges
c. Finding the right educational environment

Parenting Strategies for Extraordinary Kids

a. Positive reinforcement
b. Setting boundaries
c. Communication
d. Self-care for parents

a. Final thoughts on dealing with extraordinary kids
b. Encouragement for parents

As parents, we want the best for our children. We want them to be happy, healthy, and successful. But what happens when our children are not like other children? What happens when they are extraordinary in some way? This can be both a blessing and a challenge. In this article, we will explore tips for dealing with extraordinary kids, including understanding them, nurturing their strengths, addressing their challenges, finding the right educational environment, and using effective parenting strategies.


a. Definition of extraordinary kids
Extraordinary kids are those who are different from the norm in some way. They may be gifted, talented, neurodiverse, highly sensitive, or have other unique qualities that set them apart from their peers.

b. Challenges faced by parents of extraordinary kids
Parents of extraordinary kids often face unique challenges. They may struggle to find the right educational environment or support system for their child, face social stigma and discrimination, and experience feelings of isolation and frustration.

Understanding Extraordinary Kids

In order to effectively deal with extraordinary kids, it is important to first understand what makes them unique. There are several categories of extraordinary kids, including giftedness and talents, neurodiversity, and high sensitivity.

a. Giftedness and talents refer to children who have exceptional abilities in one or more areas, such as academics, music, art, or athletics. These children may learn at a faster pace or in a different way than their peers, and may require specialized education and resources to fully develop their potential.

b. Neurodiversity refers to children who have neurological differences that affect their behavior, social interactions, and learning. This can include conditions such as autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. These children may require specialized support and accommodations to thrive.

c. High sensitivity refers to children who are highly attuned to their environment and emotions. They may be more easily overwhelmed by stimuli, and may require a more nurturing and supportive environment to feel safe and comfortable.

Dealing with Extraordinary Kids

Once parents have a better understanding of what makes their child extraordinary, they can begin to develop strategies to effectively deal with their unique needs and challenges.

a. Nurturing their strengths
One of the most important things parents can do for their extraordinary child is to nurture their strengths. This means recognizing and celebrating their exceptional abilities, and providing them with opportunities to develop and showcase their talents. For example, if a child is gifted in music, parents can enroll them in music lessons or encourage them to participate in school or community music programs. By providing these opportunities, parents can help their child to feel valued and confident in their abilities.

b. Addressing their challenges
While it is important to focus on a child 's strengths, it is also crucial to address their challenges. For example, a child with ADHD may struggle with organization and time management, and may benefit from strategies such as visual schedules and reminders. A child with high sensitivity may become overwhelmed in busy or chaotic environments, and may require a quiet and calm space to decompress. By working with their child 's unique needs, parents can help them to overcome challenges and thrive.

c. Finding the right educational environment
Another important aspect of dealing with extraordinary kids is finding the right educational environment. This may mean seeking out specialized programs or schools that cater to their unique needs, such as gifted programs or schools for children with learning differences. It may also involve advocating for accommodations and support within the mainstream education system, such as extra time on exams or access to assistive technology. By providing an environment that supports their learning and development, parents can help their child to reach their full potential.

Parenting Strategies for Extraordinary Kids

In addition to nurturing strengths, addressing challenges, and finding the right educational environment, there are several effective parenting strategies that can help parents of extraordinary kids.

a. Positive reinforcement involves praising and rewarding a child 's positive behavior and accomplishments. This can help to build their self-esteem and motivation to succeed.

b. Setting boundaries is also important for parents of extraordinary kids. While it is important to support their interests and passions, it is also important to establish limits and rules for behavior. This can help to provide structure and consistency for the child, which can be especially important for those with neurodiverse or highly sensitive traits.

c. Communication is key for parents of all children, but especially for those with unique needs. It is important to listen to their concerns and needs, and to communicate clearly and consistently about expectations and goals.

d. Finally, self-care for parents is crucial when dealing with extraordinary kids. It can be emotionally and physically draining to support a child with unique needs, and it is important for parents to prioritize their own well-being in order to be able to effectively support their child.


Dealing with extraordinary kids can be both a blessing and a challenge for parents. By understanding their unique traits and needs, nurturing their strengths, addressing their challenges, finding the right educational environment, and using effective parenting strategies, parents can help their child to reach their full potential and thrive. It is important to remember that every child is unique, and what works for one child may not work for another. With patience, persistence, and support, parents can help their extraordinary child to succeed and lead a fulfilling life.

If you are a parent with an extraordinary child, enrolling them in Compete+ could be a great opportunity for them to showcase their skills and compete with their peers. With something for every extraordinary child, this platform can help your child to grow and develop their talents. Remember, understanding your child 's unique needs and strengths, finding the right educational environment, and using effective parenting strategies are all crucial for their success. Take the first step today and enroll your child in Compete+ to see what they can achieve.

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